Tuesday 19 March 2013

Dark Circles

Even if you don’t suffer from dark circles by nature, you are expected to one day because of few sleeping hours or sickness, but everything has a solution these days. Check out why they occur and what you can do to stop them. You can try one these pointers or try them all and see what works best for you.
• Get some of this Vitamin K eye cream. Many dermatologists credit dark circles to pooled blood underneath the thin skin of the eye area. Vitamin K has been shown to help with these dark circles and you will find that more manufacturers have added this vitamin to their under eye creams.
• Try sunscreen. One of the reasons you might be getting these dark circles is because of that the sun that alters the pigment in your skin and darkens the skin under your eyes. Eye creams that contain sunscreen can halt this pigment-deepening process.
• One thing you should always keep track of is your sleeping hours, which hugely affect how your eyes look. The lack of sleep causes your skin to look pale, making dark circles more prominent. Always aim for no less than seven to eight hours to get the perfect looking eyes.
• This is the last pointer you should turn to when all the others have failed to help you get rid of the dark circles and it’s turning to cover it with a concealer. But the concealer is another story that needs some work to give you the best result, as it’s the ultimate miracle worker. It instantly hides skin imperfections and brightens the dark areas. And here is how to pick up the perfect shade and formula for your eyes:
- Go one shade lighter than your skin since the concealer is often used to camouflage dark areas of the skin such as the under-eye circles. By choosing a lighter shade you will lighten those circles without drawing attention to them which can happen if you choose a shade that is too light.
- For dry skin, try a cream concealer that’s applied with a wand. And for normal skin, pick a stick or a pot concealer, as these formulas are drier than cream concealers so they look more mutt on your skin.
- Use a heavier concealer to hide very dark circles or heavy pigmentation spots. Stick concealers are generally heavier and opaque than regular concealers and they work to put very dark areas under cover.
- Don’t forget to pat the concealer in after you have applied whether with a brush, a wand or a finger. Use your middle finger to pat it into your skin and don’t rub since rubbing will only move the concealer around or smear it off and you will be left with no coverage at all.

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